Hell Hath No Fury Like A People Wanting Change?

Whoa! and WOW! at the same time. I honestly am trying to recall the last time I saw Americans get this fired up. Sadly though, when chaos erupts, no one gets genuinely heard; nothing is genuinely accomplished; and ultimately, no one genuinely benefits. I'm wondering how many people showed up to glean something they could use to support or denounce this health-care reform project, our very focused President is pushing for; only to have left feeling like they were at a middle-school melee, learning nothing. The lady in the peridot scarf saved the day. She reminded me of the calm many teachers will be required to maintain in a few short days. I understand passion; but, at the end of the day, all the shouting in the world isn't going to change the inevitable. Accelerated blood pressure in the case of many of those attending can't be good. In fact, it's frightening. The bottom line is, America's health-care program is in CRISIS mode. The very wealthy don't want change because in most cases, they've got theirs, and reform threatens to tamper with their wallets. The middle class really need some relief from what they're currently having to pay. And the poor, simply put, need care. This is obviously bigger than Congress. It's obvious, too, that a special-election should be called for. The people should be allowed on an individual basis to cast their vote. I believe the turnout would be larger than the last Presidential election. Something is broken in America's health-care system. To make sure everyone is participating, and not relying on the "if I get sick" mentality, and, instead, functioning on the "when I get sick" reality, a percentage of everyone's salary should be mandated for health care. Just as working-class America has to pay taxes to keep our military afoot; we should be required to pay the same for health care. And, for those who don't work; but, do eat, a portion of the spending dollar should go to health care. But again, this needs to be the people's choice. It should not be a deal done in the midnight hour, just before Washington goes on vacation. If President Obama really wants what's best for America, he should let the people, on a one-to-one vote, decide.