Today's Shooting Not Just Another Deranged Person; This One Hits Closer to the Core

Wow. This is the only word I have for another killing just two weeks since the D.C. shooting two weeks ago. For some reason this scenario leaves me a bit less trife than the troubled military vet walking into a building reaking havoc. No, today's incident touched closer to the heart for varied reasons. Today's primary victim was a young woman in her early 30s, and more than that, presumably the mother of a young daughter. As I watched, my sorrow only increased in learning that this young woman had a history of mental illness. Of course my initial thought was which and how many SSRI drugs was she taking. As I watched the video showing her "drive to the death"; her suicide-by-cop mission, I couldn't help but wonder what her last words were to the precious reason to live sitting in the back seat. I wondered too, what was the initial mental response of the officers as they stared in the eyes of the toddler strapped in the back seat; and the realization that shooting the mother meant robbing the child of any hope of ever knowing her mother. I clearly get why the police initially held their fire. But, I also clearly get why the officers had to draw their guns and end the terror. Looking at the footage makes it clear how close she got to a federal building; and, how much devastation could have potentially occurred if her car was laden with explosive devices. As the days progress, more details will emerge on her background. The story will probably never adequately be told. But her actions will haunt me personally for a minute, as I believe that the healing begins with a clear mind, not one spaced out on psychotrophic drugs. Of course there are exceptions; but, I believe in most instances drugs only cause unstable people to become even less stable. As a Christian counselor, it is clear that many people who only need simple, and sage advice find themselves in the office of a psychiatrist with a white pad in hand. Today's victim has a story. I hope someone will have the courage to detail what led to this emotional derailment. Even though I don't personally know the young mother killed in today's shooting, I, as many counselors, feel like I could have helped her if she was my client, minus meds. You see, as Christian counselors we believe in the Power of the Holy Ghost to heal. That's something that I'm sure the new government health-care plan doesn't cover. After all, Jesus isn't in the business of doling out dollars in exchange for Big Pharma drugs. But the truth is, counselees ultimately decide if popping a pill works better for them than the unchanging Word of God. Choice is the key word. Choice is the bottom line.