Okay. I will try to keep this as brief as possible since real-world life issues are prevalent (i.e. j-o-b quest meets "student" debts; a whole other conversation while mourning the loss of a close relative). Recently, a family get together turned into a Redbox semi-marathon. I found myself watching two movies released in 2013, namely Nebraska and The Butler. I really wanted to see what the hoopla was about with the first, and fought tooth and nails against the other because of my perception of it being just another "yessa' boss" movie.
Well, long story short, Nebraska ended up being two hours of "Do you want to eject it and watch something else?" to which I determindely replied, "No, it has to get better. Let's keep watching." Well, it didn't get better, and I was admittedly a bit 'perturbed' that something this lacking in depth could get an Oscar nod.
Without belaboring the point, this is an everyday story for millions of people caring for an elderly parent on some sad level. Yes, it had an "optimistic" ending if you want to believe that the senior wasn't going to demand that he drive the truck as he pleased since his name was on the title. This was a case of untreated dementia in the making with lacking social services. Ridiculous.
So, without planning, I found myself booting up the DVD-player to watch, of all things, The Butler. Within the first few minutes I wanted to turn it off, move on to something else; but, with others watching, I stayed with it. Halfway through the movie, really sooner, I realized something terrible had happened in Hollywood. Barring the seedy role of Gooding, Jr. this movie had depth, and character, and every other thing that one should have to get an Oscar yahoo. I am a fan of Forest Whitaker's work; but, felt his participation in an oppressive-black-man role might just have been a fly in the ointment of his career. Was I ever wrong. He told an important story that can translate into modern-day flair. And Oprah? Let me preface this by saying I had a much-unexpected, literal laugh-out-loud moment at the end, when I thought about Nebraska getting an Oscar wave, and this one being "dissed." I don't follow movie news enough to pay attention, but I can remember distant rumblings about Oprah being short-changed. She was. Let's face it, she is an "actress" who can handle her own in a given role. She's proven it before. She did so again in this movie. The question then began on the why of the matter. Why was this movie overlooked for a chance at winning an Oscar? I concluded:
It wasn't because it was a poorly made movie. It was actually very good; barring the annoying role mentioned earlier. It wasn't because Oprah was put in her place to show that a younger woman of color could "upstage" her. Not so. I don't even think that the promoting of the current sitting president was what ruined its chances; well not directly so anyway. I believe it failed to get a nod for two reasons: One being that there really wasn't enough room in the room for two black movies to potentially win; and the other being that in all fairness, had Whitaker chosen to use a character portrayal of President Obama instead of the actual person, the inference would have lessened the bias the movie association would have had to refute had it won.
Overall, something went terribly wrong with the Oscar bids. I will never know truly how Nebraska got a nod and The Butler didn't. Oh well, all of these actors are rich and have moved on. Back to real-world flavor. Blah, blah.
Oh, one more thing, off cue: I think Oprah's father's ex ought to say thank you for the offer of the 'everyday' person's house, and know that Oprah bought the mansion for her dad, not the ex. Mytu Sense has spoken:)!