On the heels of yesterday's cowardice act, I'd like to say prayers for all who were directly and indirectly affected by the heinous act. To shoot an unarmed person who is of no threat to you speaks volumes. I am so glad that I serve a God who tells me not to judge anyone, lest I be judged (Matthew 7:1). I am so glad that Jesus living and breathing on the inside of me lets me love even those who would be easier for me not to (2Corinthians 13:5). I am glad that I believe we should hate the sin and love the sinner (1Corinthians 6:9).
That said, I would like to suggest that we bring morning prayers back to the public schools. I would like to suggest that it become okay again to have elementary-aged students in detention write the Ten Commandments as 'punishment'. I would like to suggest that high-schools be run more as military academies than fun, carefree havens. And lastly, I would like to suggest that every male between the ages of 18 and 30, serve two years in a branch of the military, as required in China.
We are living in a 'new' America. Preparation is a necessary defense. Guns are not the problem. A hatred for our nation and what it stands for is. In a few short months, barring the unforeseen, I predict that Donald J. Trump will be our next U.S. President. His V-P pick should be someone who is experienced and poised. I wish it could have been Fiorina. Perhaps Jan Brewer, former Governor of Arizona might be on the short list. I really believe Ben Carson should consider the lead job in the Department of Education. If anyone could get the prayer conversation back in center-stage it would be him. As a product of the public-school system I think he would be a great asset to creating necessary changes to help youngsters succeed. Secretary of State should be someone with a strong Defense background. For some reason, Gingrich comes to mind.
That's it. Prayers for all. Prayers for all.
That said, I would like to suggest that we bring morning prayers back to the public schools. I would like to suggest that it become okay again to have elementary-aged students in detention write the Ten Commandments as 'punishment'. I would like to suggest that high-schools be run more as military academies than fun, carefree havens. And lastly, I would like to suggest that every male between the ages of 18 and 30, serve two years in a branch of the military, as required in China.
We are living in a 'new' America. Preparation is a necessary defense. Guns are not the problem. A hatred for our nation and what it stands for is. In a few short months, barring the unforeseen, I predict that Donald J. Trump will be our next U.S. President. His V-P pick should be someone who is experienced and poised. I wish it could have been Fiorina. Perhaps Jan Brewer, former Governor of Arizona might be on the short list. I really believe Ben Carson should consider the lead job in the Department of Education. If anyone could get the prayer conversation back in center-stage it would be him. As a product of the public-school system I think he would be a great asset to creating necessary changes to help youngsters succeed. Secretary of State should be someone with a strong Defense background. For some reason, Gingrich comes to mind.
That's it. Prayers for all. Prayers for all.