Manning May Need to Redefine First-Love Role

It’s really sad to watch a person having to find and settle on a second love. It is obvious that Peyton Manning has a one-and-only love for the Colts. It would be nice if in life we could just come to a peaceful acceptance that the end of a season, while difficult to accept, has arrived. I realize a person has a desire to exit stage left on his own terms, and at his own time; thus, Manning allowing himself to be convinced that a second love will satisfy. I find it hard to believe his need to play has anything to do with money; and, more so with pure unadulterated ego. Sometimes, life does us a favor by closing the door for us. Injuries are a body’s way of saying it has had enough of being banged up. Has Manning looked in the mirror lately? He has the face of a television sports anchor. I realize that if your mind assures you that you still “have game” it’s difficult to take a more primrose path. But wisdom whispers to consider another approach. Stay loyal to your first love, even if the loyalty seems to not have been reciprocated. In essence, it really was. Even though the Colts’ decision to let Manning go was to a great degree, primarily business; it was also a decision that said, ‘We love you too much to see you make a bad injury worse, endangering your future health for years to come.’ I understand that it’s difficult for a man to be rejected. Rejection is never easy. Its sting feels like sleet hitting your bare skin on a cold winter's day. But when a positive light is shined on it, rejection becomes a veiled blessing of unending gratitude chocked with new opportunities. I’m sure Manning will re-sign with some team. I’m hopeful that he’ll wake up one morning and say, ‘You know what, I’m going to take a step back, look at life, and make a rational decision on what my best next-move looks like, not only for me; but for my family.' I envision a happy sportscaster quarter-backing Sunday games in a suit and tie, behind a desk. Certainly someone of relevance has seen that this guy has a face made for television. Every now and again life makes us pack our things and start a new career journey. Perhaps, now is Mannng's time. In closing, I'm reminded of the boxer who failed to realize the last fight was the last fight, and that youth had given way to age, and moved on. The tragic part is the boxer didn't get the message, and tried to deny the ravages of time by reentering the ring, succombing in bitter defeat to youth's pounding.

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