Recently, embers on the topic of free birth control pills raised my ire; and, according to news commentaries that of many in opposition. I withheld writing a full piece; because, quite honestly, I was thinking similarly to what everyone else was speaking and writing. I am against free anything, outside of a gift; and well, we know even that comes at a price on some level; which btw, makes it perfectly ok to decline one’s offer.
The reason I get so flustered at the thought of all women getting free birth control is because the majority of these women are single; and, according to my Christian values shouldn’t be engaging in sexual activity outside of marriage. It’s called fornication; an odd sounding word; yet, packed with Biblical teachings of consequential results for behaviors done outside of God’s ordained will. My problem with giving free pills to single women has a lot to do with condoning wrong behavior; and in a roundabout way, promoting immorality in basic terms.
It’s similar to giving an alcoholic a free beer; or a smoker, free cigarettes. You see, an alcoholic really needs to modify his behavior and not drink. A smoker needs to modify his behavior and quit smoking. Similarly, a single woman needs to stare long and hard in the mirror and with honesty decide if sex outside of marriage is really in her best regard, or an expensive thrill to her emotional and physical well being.
I emphasize single women because I do believe within the confines of marriage; birth control serves a reasonable purpose for a couple during the female’s fertile years. However, the government offer to just give free-for-all birth control to single ladies is like saying its okay to go against the Biblical principles our founding fathers built our nation on.
I grew up in a time when being discreet was a given. I’m sure it still is in many cases. Getting pregnant in high school was looked on as taboo. Girls had to leave the main-campus setting for some undisclosed location for pregnant girls to fulfill their academic studies. Nowadays, the media seems to glamorize girls who boast of being pregnant and “engaged”. Ugh, whatever happened to married, and then conception?
I’m drifting off center a bit; because the primary topic of this writing is the dispensing of free pills to single women, many in their teenage years. I suspect the underlying goal for this drastic consideration is an indirect attempt to counter the high rate of teen pregnancy. Sadly, this will be another expensive and ineffective government effort; because a majority of teens engaged in sexual activity are too ashamed to admit it; thus, shying away from asking for contraception out of fear of parent involvement. Perhaps birth-control pills can just be free-willyed out to all teens in high school, like condoms; and, if they choose not to use them they can do what many who receive them will do; sell them.
On the heels of this birth-control controversy, I read recently that HIV rates are going up among women in the black population. I am seriously concerned that the message about the dangers of having unprotected sex is not keeping up with the messages perpetrated by some of the popular music teens are attracted to. Potentially deadly images that getting high, whether drugs or alcohol, and having wild unprotected sex with multiple partners, and oftentimes “whose-the-daddy” drama having no consequences, is obviously proving a toxic mix for today’s youth. Contrary to a popular slogan to ‘just do it,’ unprotected sex is not only costly to one’s financial disposition; but, to the physical and emotional well-being of all involved.
I must admit that I am very concerned about the moral direction the U.S. appears to be going. Entertaining the idea of offering free birth control to females who, in many cases, should not be having sex in the first place, sends a very poor message. I certainly am not going to cast any stones at the young women who choose to engage in sex before marriage; but, I am going to require that they afford the $30. monthly cost for their decision.
Sex comes with great responsibility; and even greater consequence when done irresponsibly. Until the President can offer a solution for the increasing HIV rates, I think it would be wisdom to avoid the appearance of condoning sex outside of marriage on any level. The moral fiber of our country is unraveling like a cheap sweater. Supporting bills that promote, and possibly even encourage immorality is only adding to the dilemma, not the solution.
Teen pregnancy is on the rise. HIV rates in certain demographics are on the rise. How is the pill going to genuinely help alleviate these two financially catastrophic health crises? Some may argue that the pill prevents unplanned pregnancies. Really? Then why doesn’t it seem to work, considering those in financial need get pills from Planned Parenthood.
I’m signing off for now. The situation is only bleak to those who buy into it. There is a greater health crisis in the dental world. I would rather support a bill that would guarantee all citizens a “free” bi-annual teeth cleaning and fillings. I am saddened by the number of young people who have gaping spaces where teeth have fallen out, and they simply can’t afford to replace them. They can’t get jobs because of this unsightly health issue. Honestly, the suggestion of giving free birth-control pills to unmarried women is an insult to individuals who just want to have an appearance that allows them to compete for a job in the real-world.
If the First Lady is sincere about promoting health in young women, she should fight the free birth control issue, and tout abstinence along with her healthy-eating campaign. The bottom line about the free birth control is that it sends the wrong message on many levels. It says to the teen, tottering on the fence regarding premarital sex, “When you’re ready, sex is okay; married or not”. Nope, wrong thought.
The message we should be conveying 24-7, is that sex is for marriage, and the potential consequences for doing so outside of that bond is x, y, and z. Under this new plan, the woman will take the pill, and perhaps not conceive; but, in the process she contracts horrible diseases, some for which there is no cure, and have emotional scars for multiple partners she loved and um, “lost”. I don’t know what direction the President intended the birth-control train to take; but, hopefully it will derail before the November election. The fact that his favorable ratings have actually gone up in the past few days has me wondering how much the free offer of birth control pills has to do with it. Interesting. Very interesting.
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