Farewell to Joan Rivers, President Obama Speaks Against Domestic Violence, & Master Chef, Extant & U.S. Open TV-Talk on My Radar

There's a lot of celebrity news abuzz; but, what else is new, or news, as it's called? First, and foremost, condolences for the family of Joan Rivers. She was a bright light in an oftentimes dark world, and it's with certainty she shall be missed. More than a comedian working her way up through the ranks, she was one of those people that you felt like you knew personally, because of her ability to tie her personal life to real-life situations. I heard the news of her passing at 2 a.m. on Friday morning and was saddened. But, with joy, as she'd want, life must, and prayerfully, will go on for those closest to her. The "till-we-meet-again" celebration with people lining the streets was a real tribute of the lives she touched.
As I've noted in previous posts, I don't watch much television. I don't watch the news because it seems to be so corralled on what's discussed. So, when I saw the name Ray Rice filling the trending topics, I had no clue who Ray Rice is or what he'd done to lose a lucrative football contract. I saw the woman, who I learned is his wife sitting 'stoically' next to him. Before I knew the details, by her looks, I sensed she was a troubled woman beyond his firing. Seeing in the headlines that President Obama made a statement regarding the matter really got my attention. Within seconds, I caught a glimpse of a video of a confrontation in an elevator. Of course, I thought back to the recent celebrity Solange incident; but, soon remembered the news of a football player beating his fiancee, and dragging her limp body off the elevator; and, it registered: This is the woman who married the man thereafter. And, I was washed in a sadness far greater than the passing of a woman who had lived her life filling her passion for making people laugh to the very end. This sadness grew from a depth that no woman is immune to; from the very rich, to the poorest poor. This is a silent epidemic that takes no day off, and sadly is exacerbated during football season, when alcohol and office pools, leave too many people, primarily women, genuinely hating to see the arrival of football season and weekends. I did not play the video, because that only makes theatrics of a very serious problem. To ask the question of why she married a man who showed his hand before taking vows, would be like asking the question why do people fall in love with abusive people. The root of the answers go as deep as the years of her upbringing. Needless to say, she needs professional help whether she realizes it or not. Of course, sanity on the outside looking in says she should have never married him; however, she did and judgment is not needed as much as her getting the help she needs to make saner decisions in the now and future. Too sad for any more words, so let's talk tv.
Master Chef's two-hour show this evening made clear that real talent can't make diner mistakes where fine dining is concerned. I have to admit the food the chefs had to cook was stomach-turning, and even though it probably was palatable, hardly anything I'd consider ordering from a menu. I'm glad to see Christian got a nod from Chef Ramsey for help with a start-up. Prayerfully, he can take this experience and use it as a marketing tool of his new business. And, old Texas 'hook-em' Cutter, got his walking papers, and for the sake of his child, needs to practice my philosophy of 'counting to ten, and if necessary, counting again.' Okay, I'm glad I'm not a betting woman; because well, I thought Christian would have been in the final two. Now, I'm going to say Elizabeth and Courtney will take it to the duel and Courtney will prevail. We'll see.
A few words about Extant...it was pretty good last week; lots of action. However, I am a bit creeped out by men handling little boys in the backside area; probably because I watched the movie "Doubt" this weekend. It was good. We all agreed it ended like they ran out of money or something; but, it was good.As always, Hoffman played the role to the hilt: Ughmmm...I said he was guilty; others in the room argued he always left "controversial" situations; because he didn't want the stigma. Ha! Innocent people have no need to flee. I know that too is arguable.
And lastly, but far from least, Serena Williams was the U.S. Open this year. The little bit that I did watch made it clear that the economy left a lot of empty seats. Watching Federer was difficult as it reminded me of him playing against Pete Sampras back in the day. His physical fitness simply was outmatched. But the last women's performance was exciting to say the least. I could only be happy for Serena because she is proof to many young girls everywhere that following your talent is a good thing. Congrats on the Tiffany bonus!
That's it for another week.

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